ARTS FEST The 63rd college union organised annual arts fest on 18 and 19 of december. The fest was inagurated by the famous cine artist innocent and famous violinist vani. All the four houses participated with competitive mind where the nilagiri house came first. The college went to a festive mood for these days and all of them enjoyede by performing and watching performances.
SPARKZZ 2K19 The inter college fest organised by Mar Theophilus training college named sparkz was conducted on 16 and 17 december and was inagurated by sir from iiser. Participants from various training college across kerala showcased their talents in many fields.
FOOD FEST The 64th college union organised food fest in the college where all the optionals participated actively with different kind of dishes. The whole vidyanagar made their participation and made this event a great success.
ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE The Physical Science association organised a class in the college auditorium to make every teacher student understand the happenings behind solar eclipse and how we can safely view this magic on the sky.
DANSPIRATION The students of English optional started a new programme named Danspiration with a motive to teach all the theophilites basic lessons of dance. They scheduled the classes in the afternoon. All the students participate eagerly in the classes.
CHRISTMAS WREATH Organized by the creative club of our college, all students took part in wreath making in the afternoon of this day. Everyone enjoyed the session and jointly made the same.
DEVANAGARI The students of natural science optional organized a programme named devanagari where the famous Vava Suresh came and gave us an interesting talk on different types of snake. He showed the different types of snakes to students both venomous and and non venomous.
Blood donation camp at theophilus The Natural science department of Mar Theophilus Training college organized a blood donation camp whoch was a grrat sucess by the participation of all the students
Ezhuthachan Quiz 2019 Malayalam department of Mar Theophilus Training College organized a quiz based on malayalam sahithyam. Two members each of six different teacher training college competed in which first was grabbed by Mar Theophilus Training college
TATVA The malayalam association organised a programme named tatva on2/12/2019. The program was interesting with different roundstesting the knowledge of students in malayalam language where Physical science optionals won the overall championshi.